

armest welcome to my dear Light brothers and sisters, to this sacred space where I humbly share my unique connection to the Land, Spirit, Sun, Moon, and Stars. As a natural empath, clairsentience and clairvoyance, spiritual experiences have played an enormous role in my life. It wasn't easy when I was younger, especially and often when these encounters struck me in a messy, annoying, or frightening way.

I am truly grateful and blessed to have great teachers in my life to guide me through these experiences. Through their teachings, I learned not only to protect myself but also transform all the negativities into wisdom and understanding, and moreover to assist others in finding their inner peace.

Let me paint you the vivid colours of the inner realm, here we delve into the depths of spiritual knowledge and explore the Mystery of the Light...

Jerry 老師是一位很資深,靈力修為很高的人,有幸上他的channeling class學習保護和通靈的技巧;為了讓學員親身感受到高靈和低靈的分別,他即塲示範召請神靈、天使等高靈到臨,再召請黑白無常讓我們感受正負兩極的分別,實在讓我和同學們很震撼。Jerry是少數能力高,見識廣,心地善良又樂於助人的身心靈導師,天生體質敏感的我,能感受到他的氣塲,靈能力,可以很放心的交託他,在絕對信任和放鬆的環境跟他學習! "Jerry is a very experienced and spiritually advanced teacher. I was fortunate enough to attend his channeling class to learn skills in protection and channeling. To help us understand the difference between high and low spirits, he demonstrated by summoning high spirits such as gods and angels, and then calling upon the Chinese Black & White underworld gods to help us feel the difference between positive and negative energy. It was a very shocking and impressive experience for me and my classmates. Jerry is one of the few spiritually gifted and knowledgeable teachers who is kind-hearted and willing to help others. As a person who is naturally sensitive to energy, I can feel his aura and spiritual abilities and trust him completely in a relaxed and trustworthy environment to learn from him." Tiffany @nanavo 古埃及能量治療師及導師 Living Light Energy (Sekhem) Healer & Teacher
Jerry is a nice, gentle, knowledgeable and sincere person. Apart from gaining the knowledge and skills, taking his classes can always allow me to understand myself more. Everytime after the classes, I was like filled with light and feeling very joyful. Jerry also conduct channeling. Instead of telling me what to do, his understanding and encouragement gave me the deepest support when I was having bad times. He is just like an angel, not just to me, but surely to many others, too Jessica Chung, Hong Kong
感謝Jerry老師的教導,溫柔的切入重點,深入易明的講解,由淺入深令我可以重新審視每一個覺察重新回到當下,改變就在不知不覺中發生。(I'm grateful to Jerry's teaching. He gently gets to our core resistance, explaining in depth but easy to understand. He brings my awareness back to present for every moment. Transformation happens without even knowing! ) Tracy Choi, Hong Kong
女友是Jerry的學生。直至去年,感恩有機會參與Jerry的冥想班。第一次親身跟Jerry學習,過程中感覺非常之清晰實在,亦因為Jerry的專業技巧與耐性,讓我能循序漸進地更深入地了解自己。經過這次初體驗之後,我亦隨即報名上Channeling session. 衷心感謝您,Jerry, 是您讓我與自己的最高指導靈連結,好期待不久將來能再有機會上您的班呢。 My girlfriend is Jerry's student. Until last year, I am grateful to have a chance joining Jerry's meditation class. First time participating in his class, his teaching is very solid and precise. Because of Jerry's professional skills and patience, step by step I started to understand myself more. After this first impression, I also signed up for another channeling session. My deep gratitude! Jerry, you are the one who guided me connecting with my Higher self. I am looking forward to participanting in your classes again. Ricky Fung, UK
I am following Jerry more than 7 years and so lucky and grateful to meet him. All his reading and answers are pure and full of love. Every time after his class and private session, your physical and emotional energy had been filled up. Jerry, you are the most trustable and powerful Spiritual Master. Love and Light! Miranda Tong, Australia
It is my luck to meet Jerry and receive spiritual knowledge from him. His advice and guidance enhance my wisdom. He tell me what is surrender and acceptance, which help me to overcome my hardship successfully. Also, Jerry teach me to use my heart to feel and see the surrounding. The outcome is really wonderful. All of these wisdom are new topic to me and i am loving it. Thank you Jerry. Gloria Fong, Hong Kong

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