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在宇宙的無限洪流下,我每年都會發放在衛塞節當天充能的靈性結緣物。在2020年起開始提供一個布質平安御守,內部放入了能量符、水晶、以及神聖草藥。今年我把整個御守改爲銀器吊墜增強耐用性及一個更強大功能—-捕日網 Suncatcher。
這個符號是直接與宇宙連結取得,代表著我們「中心火焰 Heart Flame」的無限擴張,即亦是內在的慈悲與無條件的愛。整齊結構的符號有著很強的穩定性,能抵抗負面頻率。
?抵抗防禦負面頻率 (防意外、防靈性攻擊、防小人…)
?擴張你的中心火焰 (吸引好運、增強人緣…)
?緩緩解開業力絲線 (驅散負能量、打開智慧與覺悟…)
豐盛往來:每個HKD444 (不包括頸繩)
供貨時間:五月底佛誕當天之後 (5月26日後)
如需訂購請DM @jsanctus 聯絡留貨。
【Wesak 2023 Protection Talisman 】
In the generosity of the Divine Infinite, every year I create and share special spiritual items infusing with the energy of the auspicious Wesak Day. Since 2020 this protection talisman is being made and shared, a fabric pouch containing energy sigils, crystals, and sacred herbs. This year I have changed the entire design into a silver pendant for longer durability and an exciting new function as a “suncatcher”.
The power symbol engraved is fully channelled from the Spirit, representing the expansion of our heart flame, the compassion and unconditional love. The symmetric design offers a strong stability which repels negative frequencies.
?Protection against negative frequencies
(i.e. unfortunate events, psychic attacks, abusive individuals…),
?Expanding your Heart Flame
(i.e. attracting good fortune / supportive individuals…),
?Slowly unwinding karmic binds
(i.e. dissolving negative energies, enlightening your mind…)
How to use:
?Recommended to wear it as a pendant for best results.
?You may put it in your bag / purse that you carry around for similar benefits.
?Hang on your window as a “suncatcher”, allowing sunlight to amplify and project the energy into your space.
Abundance Exchange: HKD444 (pendant only, no necklace)
*Delivery cost will be paid upon receipt, within Hong Kong will be delivered by SF Express.
Dispatch Time: End of May after Buddha’s birthday (May 26)
DM me if you would like to reserve your talisman.
#psychic #energy #awakening #peace #tarot #lightlanguage #lightcodes #thirdeyevision #enlightenment #universe #consciousness #spiritual #healing #reiki #mindfulness #meditate #meditation #zen #水晶 #占卜 #星座 #塔羅 #身心靈 #靈性 #亞卡西 #御守